Tow trucks – four easy customer service tips

Either you are looking for tow trucks for operating a business or you are looking for being served, there are a few things that will help you to protect your vehicle if yours is the one being towed or will help you to provide an excellent service so you can have more customers and establish a long term relationship with them.
If you are the customer make sure you request and check references from previous customers, before hiring the services of a towing company just because they have nice and new trucks.
Remember: it is not hiring a company with a bunch of tow trucks, is dealing with professionals and experienced staff what will protect you.
Below, I’m going to tell you some quick things to consider:
1) Make sure every precaution is taken to guarantee that your customer vehicle is safely and securely strapped before it is transported. If it is not, the being towed car could detach and move causing scratches to the body.
If you are requesting a towing service hire companies with tow trucks that are properly equipped and will not cause damage to your vehicles, this is very important because usually, it is in a moment of emergency when we hire a towing service and we tend to overlook these details, make sure you hire professional and experienced companies.
Make sure you hire a company with good record in providing damage-free towing service.
2) Make sure the proper tools will be used; hey notice I’m telling you “will be” and not “are used”. What I mean by that is check in advance the tools that will be used are properly designed for the task.
For example, did you know there are special and professional car opening tools that should be in any tow trucks or at least available when required? The time for the “screw driver” guy unlocking your car is gone.
It does not necessarily have to be a company with new trucks, it could be a company with well used trucks, but the important is their equipment.
3) If you are operating a towing service company make sure you arrive on time when requested a service, there is nothing more frustrating for a person in need, than waiting for the service and seeing tow trucks passing by and being asked whether he or she (the customer) needs help (which obviously is the case), but the customer is just waiting for the “trusted towing company”.
I honestly doubt this person will call the same tow trucks operators again.
4) Charge exactly the quoted amount. It is amazing the huge amount of comments and complains from unsatisfied customers about being charged “more” that originally quoted for a towing service.
If you treat your customer just thinking in how much money they will provide you, I advise just go and put up your trucks for sale, because again: the business is not about having “a bunch of tow trucks” but the business is about “the service you will provide to your customers”. Make sure you charge exactly the amount quoted not more.
On the other hand as a customer, review what you’re being charged for and understand well the implications and scope of the service you will receive. Use your most valuable tool: “Ask questions!”. If you do not understand something simply ask.
Article by Towing Service Englewood, CO